

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 8 years, 3 months ago


You are viewing the archived Missions pages for EVOMC16

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Missions for Week 1 Orient

Jan 10-16, 2016



Check here to tick off your missions accomplished for Week 1


There are six missions for weeks 1 and 2


Mission 1 - Introduce yourself on our Google+ Community


What should you be doing?

Join our Google+ Community and introduce yourself there

Save the link to your introduction


How can you do this?

Join at https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/112993649763396826671

Create a post there to tell us who you are and what brings you to Minecraft 

Here’s how to save the link: http://screencast.com/t/6YLsvyWEB


How can you verify your mission accomplished?

The link to your post will appear in Mission 3



Mission 2 - Install and enter Bb Collaborate

Install and enter our Bb Collaborate room


What should you be doing?

Join the room at http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org


How can you do this?

Find help at the Tech Check tab,

direct link here http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org/tech-check/


For those still having problems with this consult the tutorial here



And especially this video created by EVOMC co-moderator Vance explaining how to brute force your BbC into cooperating with your recalcitrant .collab files



How can you verify your mission accomplished?

By speaking to us through BbC when you join us in-world in Minecraft 


Late breaking news, Jan 18, 2016


In the face of this evidence

we are looking for an alternative VOIP tool. Possibilities include 

  • Skype voice calls as we did last year
    We have your Skype IDs (and this was why we included that question)
    Vance will start a Skype group and we will see if we can activate voice through Skype effectively through an existing group
    (Last year we were forming the calls around people in the game, a hassle for someone to play AND add others to the call)
  • Adobe Connect hosted by Jeff in a mode that is always available for talking (Jeff is working on that)
  • A talk client that you download, popular with gamers, more info forthcoming here
  • Several clients that allow small groups to talk to one another on a rotating basis
    • Blab, 4 at a time
    • Zoom, 8-10 at a time
    • Google+ Hangout, 10 at a time 


Mission 3 - fill in the Google registration form

Fill in the Google form at http://goo.gl/forms/zALHMWsPGX 


Details required:

  • Your real name and where you’re from
  • The link to your introduction from step 1 (please have it handy)
  • Your Minecraft player name (known or intended; needed to whitelist you on our MC server)
  • Your level of experience with Minecraft (ranging from “noob” to expert)\
  • A link to the blog or ePortfolio where you will track your learning journey (if you have one already)
  • Your Twitter handle (if you have one)
  • Your Skype ID in case of problems with Bb Collaborate (if you have one)
    (last year we used Skype voice for speaking to each other while in-world in Minecraft - this year we intend to try Bb Collaborate)
  • Confirmation that you can enter our Bb Collaborate room (yes / not yet / give up)


How can you do this?
The link to the form is http://goo.gl/forms/zALHMWsPGX


How can you verify your mission accomplished?

A field will your data will appear in the dBase linked to the Google form 



Mission 4 - Reflect on your activities for Weeks 1-2

  • Do some background reading
  • Attend our live sessions
  • Join us in the game


What should you be doing?

Read one of more of these and write a reflective post

  1. Review our proposal for EVOMC16, http://evosessions.pbworks.com/w/page/103533067/2016_EVO_Minecraft_MOOC
  2. Smolčec, Marijana and Smolčec, Filip. (2014). Using Minecraft for Learning English, with an introduction by Vance Stevens. TESL-EJ 18, 2:1-15.Available: http://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej70/int.pdf and http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume18/ej70/ej70int/
  3. Kuhn, Jeff. (2015). Meaningful Play – Making Professional Development Fun. TESL-EJ 18, 4:1-8. Available: http://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej72/int.pdf and http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume18/ej72/ej72int/
  4. Why Games? Chapter 1 of Teachercraft: Minecraft for Teaching and Learningby Dikkers


How can you do this? 

Start a blog or ePortfolio where you will share your learning journey and provide a link to it in the Google form

  • If you need help with this please ask


Create a blog or electronic journal post giving some reflection of your reading and impressions of the session so far

Post the link to your post on Twitter or Google+ and tag it #evomc16


How can you verify your mission accomplished?

Your post will appear in our TagBoard at https://tagboard.com/evomc16/search or https://tagboard.com/evomc16/253132 


Mission 5 - Join our Missions Accomplished Google sheet

Join our Weeks 1-2 “Missions Accomplished” Google Sheet.



What should you be doing?

Simply visit the sheet and request to join it


How can you verify your mission accomplished?

We'll see you in the list of writers on the Google sheet


You can fill in information here leading to the awarding of the Minecraft Survivor's Badge.

This sheet acts as the “evidence” for your accomplishments in the course toward attaining goals set forth for the awarding of the badge.

The evidence is contained in a shared Google spreadsheet where participants tracked their learning journeys in such a way that

  • Anyone can see and verify how they have completed the set criteria

  • Anyone clicking on a Credly awarded badge can be hyperlinked to this document giving evidence for what you did that led to the awarding of the badge, thus giving the badge its credibility.




Mission 6 - Join us in Minecraft

Once we have you registered we can white list you on our server, whose IP address we will provide on or around Jan 10, 2016


What should you be doing?

Join us in Minecraft (procedure to be provided once we announce the IP address of our server) 

We’ll arrange times we can meet using Doodle

  1. Purchase the program from Mojang http://minecraft.net 
  2. Check out some tutorials (start at https://minecraft.net/game/howtoplay )
  3.  View one of our other videos, or one or more of your own choosing
    1. Jeff’s cool Minecraft Basics: https://plus.google.com/+JeffK/posts/YzNWqVXLNLs
    2. Robert Wachman's suggestions ...  
    3. Filip’s How to Survive the First Night: https://plus.google.com/118365096931980735372/posts/dT8pGJxZDu2 
  4. Fill in our Doodle scheduling form to let us know your availability 
    Here is the link for Week 2 Jan 18-24


How can you verify your mission accomplished?

You can list the days you participated with us in the spreadsheet where you track your missions.

Your activity on the server is logged and can be verified



Live events scheduled for Weeks 1-2



Missions for Week 2 Declare

Jan 17-23, 2016

Week 1 orientation missions will all likely carry on into Week 2 - Declare 


You are viewing the archived Missions pages for EVOMC16

To reach the Sidebar for the current version of this EVO sessionclick here



Live events scheduled for Weeks 1-2


Summary of Missions for Weeks 1-2

If you're keeping up with us, you'll have done all the following by the end of Week 2


Mission 1 - Introduce yourself on our Google+ Community

Mission 2 - Install and enter Bb Collaborate (or another voice tool, it may be too difficult to accomplish this mission)

Mission 3 - fill in the Google registration form

Mission 4 - Reflect on your activities for Weeks 1-2

Mission 5 - Join our Missions Accomplished Google sheet

Mission 6 - Join us in Minecraft






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