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The event was attended by Rose Bard, David Dodgson, Linda Gielen, Maha Abdelmoneim, Jeff Kuhn, Jo Kay, David Plume007, Dakota Restone,, Christophe Technotof, and myself of course (if I left anyone out, let me know, and I'll rectify the oversight here).
Week 4 Jan 30-Feb 5 Clustering
Fri Feb 3 Vance Stevens and Jeff Kuhn on EVOMC17 at the 8th annual free connecting online conference
EVOMC17 is now in its third iteration of seeking to introduce teachers to Big G Gamification by experiencing the concept through interaction with teaching peers in the “little g” game of Minecraft. The presentation explains how the community has sustained itself for three years as a space where experienced players and noobies alike can contribute to each other’s appreciation of Minecraft as a “toy” for enabling learning over a wide range of concepts.
This presentation will focus on the evolution of the EVO Minecraft MOOC community from 2015 through the present, how it has indeed become a community, who it has attracted from other networks, and the interesting move from starting in creative and then morphing to survival (2015 and 20160, to the running of two parallel worlds as we do today (2017), with even a third (last year's world from 2016) whose existence was just recently inadvertently exposed, with outcomes yet to be known (but we might have even more to report by Friday).
Next Monday at 8 PM Eastern VSTE meets in our Minecraft world, "VSTE Place." I'd love to have some EVO Minecraft MOOC members join us. I want to present the idea to VSTE that we do a "Survive the Summer" event from Memorial Day, May 29th, through Labor Day, September 4th. We'd have a survival map members can teleport to.
I'd love for any of you to come talk it up with me. We might have a panel discussion if there are enough of us, answering some questions that come up...
What's the big deal about survival? How do you start? What are some common goals we might adopt? Where do you get your best information about how to survive? That sort of thing.
To participate you need a Minecraft account from Mojang https://account.mojang.com/, the free software running 1.11.2
On the login screen Edit Profile, choose release 1.11.2 from the dropdown menu, and save the profile.
We will use Discord for voice to communicate. Download it ahead of time if you don't have it and set up an account. It's free. The link to join VSTE VE PLN Minecraft Mondayis https://discord.gg/hXxSBHB
Learning2gether Episode 362 Sat Feb 11 EVO Minecraft MOOC meets Jo Kay at Massively Minecraft
EVO Head Coordinator Mbarek Akaddar has issued an invitation to the closing webcast to be held in the Webheads virtual office next Sunday at 14:00 UTC. Most of the coordination team will be there. Please come along and encourage your participants to come and share with us their evaluation of the session they participated in, the challenges they met and their recommendations for next year.
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