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What is Discord

Discord is a free online and desktop service which allows you to create a text and/or voice server similar to Skype. (Just an FYI, this program was created for gamers, so you will see pictures and text referencing different games when you use it.) However, unlike Skype, users can come and go from the server without disconnecting the service. You can choose to use Discord from the browser, or you can choose to download and install the desktop version. If you happen to be mobile and would like to join from your phone, there are apps both for Android and IOS.
For more information, see this document started by Maha Olivetree Grove
(we need a link back to here from there)
How to Use Discord
Visit where you will see these options

Browser Use
(The browser version does not have as many options as the desktop version, such as push-to-talk and configuring your input and output devices; however, it should be fine to use for the MOOC purposes.)
1. To use Discord from your browser, go to and click on Open Discord on the page.
2. If you do not have an account, click on the Register link below the Login button and enter in your information.
Desktop App for PC:
1. Go to and download the PC version for your device. (Discord also has versions for MAC, Android, IOS and soon for Linux.)
2. Once you have downloaded the DiscordSetup.exe file from the address above, locate the file on your computer and double-click to install the program.
3. If you do not have an account, click on the Register link below the Login button and enter in your information.
4. Once you register, sign in to Discord with your credentials:
5. Often times, a What's New window will pop up giving you the latest improvements or news on Discord. Click on the X in the upper right-hand corner to close.
6. Now you will see the Discord Dashboard (see picture at the bottom.)
Important to Know
Discord will default to always run when you start your computer after you install it. If you would prefer that it did not, right-click on the Discord icon in the taskbar and click on Run Discord when my computer starts to remove the checkmark. Also, in order to quit Discord, you must quit from this icon. Otherwise, when you close the Discord window, it will still continue to run in the background.

Joining the EVO Minecraft Text/Voice Server
To join the Evo Minecraft group:
1. Click on the plus (+) sign in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. Click Join a Server then enter in (or copy and paste) this link: and click Join.

3. The Server icon should now show up on the left-hand navigation bar which will show EVO Minecraft when you hover your mouse cursor over it.

4. To enter the server click the server icon. Congratulations, you're in! Now you can see the different voice and text channels listed in panel no. 2. To join any channel click on it. Please note that if you join a voice channel clicking on a text channel allows you to chat there but it doesn't disconnect you from the voice channel.

Changing Your Online Status
To change your online status:
1. Left-click on your picture. The pop up window below will show and you can highlight the status of how you want to appear to others in Discord.

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