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Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 3 years, 10 months ago

You are viewing an archived page for EVOMC20

The EVOMC21 live events page is here: 2021_Live_Events

To reach the Sidebar for the current version of this EVO sessionclick here


Live Events for EVOMC20

Live and Recorded during EVO Minecraft MOOC Jan-Feb 2020



  1. Upcoming live events
    1. 2020 Live Events Archive
      1. Sun Feb 16 1400 UTC Wrapup and closing ceremony of EVO2020
      2. Sat Feb 15 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      3. Sat Feb 15 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time - Mattie's wool race
        1. Jane's take on this same event
      4. Fri Feb 14 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      5. Fri Feb 14 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time
      6. Thu Feb 13 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      7. Thu Feb 13 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time
      8. Wed Feb 12 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      9. Wed Feb 12 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time
      10. Tue Feb 11 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      11. Tue Feb 11 1300 & 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time
      12. Mon Feb 10 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      13. Mon Feb 10 1300 and 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn TImes
      14. Sun Feb 9 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      15. Sun Feb 9 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn session
      16. Sat Feb 8 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      17. Sat Feb 8 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn session
      18. Fri Feb 7 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      19. Fri Feb 7 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn session
      20. Thu Feb 6 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      21. Wed Feb 5 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      22. Wed Feb 5 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn Time - Week 4
      23. Tue Feb 4 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session
      24. Tue Feb 4 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn Time - Week 4
      25. Tue 4 Feb 0100 UTC EVOMC20 participates in Minecraft Monday: Networking with VSTE Community
      26. Mon 3 feb 1930 UTC - Hinderval 1.14.4 server orientation and play session
      27. Mon 3 Feb Play and Learn Times on the 1.12.2 Classic EVOMC Server
      28. Sat 1 Feb Play and Learn Times
      29. Fri 31 Jan Play and Learn Times
      30. Thu Jan 30 EVO MC MOOC Play and Learn Times
      31. Wed Jan 29 EVO MC MOOC Play and Learn Times
      32. Mon Jan 27 EVO MC MOOC Play and Learn Times
      33. Sun Jan 26 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time
      34. Sat Jan 25 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time
      35. Fri Jan 24 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time
      36. Thu Jan 23 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time
      37. Wed Jan 22 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time
      38. Tue Jan 21 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time
      39. Mon Jan 20 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time
      40. Sun Jan 19 more play adventures in minecraft planned
      41. Sat Jan 18 1700 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Olivetree/Maha
      42. Sat Jan 18 1300 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Chien Jane
      43. Fri-Sat Jan 17-18 1700 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Olivetree/Maha
      44. Fri Jan 17 1300 UTC EVO Minecraft MOOC - Discord and Minecraft Login & Basics
      45. Thu Jan 16 1700 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Olivetree/Maha
      46. Thu Jan 16 1300 UTC EVO Minecraft MOOC Facebook Event - Discord and Minecraft Login & Basics
      47. Sun 12 Jan EVO kickoff meeting
      48. Sat 11 Jan EVO Minecraft MOOC final preparation in Discord and Minecraft
      49. In preparation for EVOMC20 in early January
    2. EVO Minecraft MOOC Live Events from March through December, 2019
      1. Mon 09 Dec 1200 UTC EVOMC20 Planning and a Minecraft Field Trip
      2. Fri Mar 1, 2019 - EVO Minecraft MOOC convenes to discuss moving from Google+ Communities to Moodle
      3. Fri Jun 28, 2019 - Vance Stevens presented on EVO Minecraft MOOC at the ICCTAR conference in Melaka, Malaysia
    3. See our archived live events from previous years
    4. View our video trailer


      Upcoming live events


      Events to be announced once they are scheduled. They are scheduled at participant's request or when moderators are available.

      If you create an event please share its time at the Event Time Announcer here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedform.html


      Thanks to the moderators who are scheduling sessions to meet newcomers online

      and help them adjust to our tools and play spaces.


      EVOMC20 Moderators have started setting up daily meetings in Discord and Minecraft.


      There are no further live events scheduled for #evomc20.

      Once presented, live events are listed in the 2020 Live Events Archive section below. 


      Events are alsobeing scheduled through Groups.io under Calendar

      https://groups.io/g/minecraftmooc/calendar; at close of this year's sessions, the calendar looked like this


      Many sessions are being scheduled on Facebook at 


      Check there under events to see what meetings are about to happen; here is the calendar view in Feb 2020




      2020 Live Events Archive


      EVOMC20 events will be archived here in reverse chronological order after they happen.

      If there was a recording, it will be linked from here.


      From Olivetree: Check our Discord Adventures channel for pictures https://discord.gg/vtpJrT



      Sun Feb 16 1400 UTC Wrapup and closing ceremony of EVO2020





      In Zoom, Sunday February 16 at 1400 UTC 



      Connection details 

      Join Zoom Meeting



      Announced on Facebook


      The official EVO closing ceremony takes place on Sun Feb 16 1400 UTC in Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/210143084. All are welcome to attend to hear moderators talk about their sessions and to share participant experiences.

      • EVO Minecraft MOOC can carry on as long as there is a server running and as long as people want to play (and learn, of course :-).
      • (Co-hosts wee added to our EVOMC20 group announcement for acknowledgement, not actually expected to attend :-)


      And afterwards



      Sat Feb 15 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-a play session

      When: Saturday, 15 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: Haliwell Minecraft Server 1.14.4 and EVOmc Discord

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Reedstone and Caroll Rainbow Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah and Carol on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Do you have any questions, ideas, suggestions? Bring them if you like.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#188)



      Sat Feb 15 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time - Mattie's wool race


      This was perhaps the final Play and Learn event held on the EVO Minecraft MOOC "classic" 1.12.2 server for the Electronic Village Online sessions just ended. Jane asked that the session be recorded and Vance and Olivetree (Maha) both complied, and Mattie made his own recording.


      This event was blogged as Learnng2gether episode #436. That post has the latest and most comprehensive updates



      Vance's recording is here, at 




      And here is Mattie's, which starts about where Vance’s leaves off (on YouTube at https://youtu.be/VAxRqI2dego)



      In this event, Mattie (Jane's precocious young son) had set up a contest in which he had placed sheep in a specially constructed flat map on the classic server. At a signal, participants were to collect wool from the sheep until all the sheep were gone. At the end of that round we moved via a series of portals to other locations where more sheep were kept. At the end of each round of wool gathering lightning would strike and set the sheep alight as well as spread to players if they weren't careful to avoid the conflagrations. Those scenes were very dramatic :-). At the end of all the rounds, players deposited their wool in boxes set out for them and the wool was counted and multiplied out by the number of points each color was worth to get a total points for each player. We then entered a final warp where there was a special stand erected as if in a sporting event where the winner took the highest position, 2nd place slightly lower, 3rd place, etc. The winners were announced and photos taken of them on the podium. It was all great fun, and a powerful illustration of the powers Mattie had acquired under Magician Dak's tutelege, which if you asked me (or perhaps his mom), would have contributed to his fluency in English.


      Another illustration of his powers came on my arrival in the game where Dak had just died (some think it was suicide) due to a set of armor that had been given him by Mattie. When I arrived Dak's possessions were still on the ground (players in this version of the game would lose their possessions when they were 'killed' in game, and these objects would be on the ground ready for anyone to scoop up). I saw the armor and picked it up and despite warnings from other players not to do so, I put it on. It turned out that Mattie had put a curse on the armor, it could not be removed, and the player would experience strange behavior including death rattles while trying to get rid of it. So that was me, and I managed to record myself going through this experience in the video I recorded. Later when Emmanuel (Rose's equally precocious son :-) arrived, he put on the armor, and experienced the same. I had switched off my recording by then but perhaps Olivetree got it on hers.


      Jane has added her own perspective here



      It was a nice end to our EVO session, if indeed it was the end. Tomorrow we will be in the official EVO closing ceremony scheduled at 1400 UTC, the hour after we normally meet (at 1300) for the EVOMC20 sessions that Jane has been leading consistently throughout this year's sessions. Other events that met consistently throughout this year's event were the ones organized by Olivetree Grove at 1600 UTC almost every day, and those that took place on the 1.14.2 Haliwell server at 19:30 UTC each day put on by Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow.


      These aforementioned moderators between them put on at least 50 live events, according to my count at 

      http://missions4evomc.pbworks.com/w/page/134715012/2020_Live_Events, and that list (of 48) does not have all of them. Thanks to them, and to Aaron Schwarz who overcame obstacles to get the server back up and running for us, and others such as Kim Harrison and Beth Ghostraven who hosted us at VSTE, and Abu Fletcher who had to bicycle in the snow to his office in the middle of the night to join us due to the impending and eventually actual destruction of his living quarters (and byzantine delays in getting Internet installed in his current abode, which still hasn't happened) whew, where did this sentence begin?? and to others as well whom I might have neglected to mention, EVOMC20 can be considered to have been a great success!


      At the event last night, there was some talk of finding a common platform for next year. This past year we were divided into silos where some of us followed the proceedings at Groups.io and others adhered to Facebook. We discussed carrying forward with the Moodle provided to us by Nellie Deutsch, which she has kindly provided us but which we didn't activate for this year, and looking into Schoology, which Teacher Vance is using for some online workshops he's giving over the next three weeks. Talk of a 7th year of EVOMC(21) is always encouraging, a sign that what we have spawned over the past 6 years has transformed into a true community of prractice.


      Thanks to all our fine moderators past and present who contributed in many small and in many very large ways as well to this grand endeavor.


      Details of the event tonight (or afternoon or morning, depending on where you are on the planet)

      When: Saturday, 15 February 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: EVO Minecraft and Discord Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien and Vance Stevens

      Description: Yes, we've reached the last week of EVOmc and it's time to reflect. However the playing and the learning continues.

      Join us to continue exploring, building, trading and learning. If you have questions, ideas, suggestions bring them all with you.

      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Onroup.line (#187)   


      Jane's take on this same event


      Jane's post to the EVOMC group on Facebook was more complete than mine, above


      Jane Chien‎ to EVO Minecraft MOOC


      Thanks for participating in the wool race that Mattie built. There were three rounds of wool sheering with a point system assigned to the different colors of wool, one point for white wool and 10 points for color/Jeb wool. We were all going for the Jeb sheep but Olivetree was the lucky person who found all the Jeb sheep, one for each round.


      The first round was in a desert. Then a portal opened where we were dropped to the second round, which is the overworld. We were bounced off to a field of green slime blocks with grass growing on it. When we sheered off all the wool from the sheep, strikes of lightning were aiming towards the sheep and we had to avoid being struck by lightning. (Mattie, why the lightning?)


      Unluckily, Vance was struck when we were ready for the third round, which was the Nether. Oh, no! He lost his sheers after he respawned. I immediately gave him my spare ones.


      There were so many sheep in the Nether round that I got so excited until I found out there was another round of lightning and we had to stay away from the sheep in order not to be struck by lightning. Olive shouted: "But I'm away from the sheep!!!! I was standing away from the sheep when I got struck!" Dak explained that there was an area of effect so we needed to stay far away from the sheep. I was so happy that in the end, we all survived the last round!!!


      After calculating the points, the winners were teleported to the winner's podiums and there were fireworks in the background to celebrate their wins!!! Congratulations, Dak, for winning the first place, Olive for winning second, Joe for winning the third place, and Vance the fourth place. I only got 164 points so I was there with Emanual to take pictures and congratulate them! Hurray!!


      (When I get a moment I'll try to import the pictures from her post here.) Meanwhile here's the FB thumbnail view:




      Fri Feb 14 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      Reminder: Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-a play session

      When: Friday, 14 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:Haliwell Minecraft Server 1.14.4 and EVOmc Discord

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Reedstone and Caroll Rainbow Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah and Carol on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Do you have any questions, ideas, suggestions? Bring them if you like.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#186)



      Fri Feb 14 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time


      Play and Learn

      When: Friday, 14 February 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien and Vance Stevens

      Description: Yes, we've reached the last week of EVOmc and it's time to reflect. However the playing and the learning continues.

      Join us to continue exploring, building, trading and learning.

      If you have questions, ideas, suggestions bring them all with you.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#185)


      Thu Feb 13 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-a play session

      When: Thursday, 13 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: Haliwell Minecraft Server 1.14.4 and EVOmc Discord

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Reedstone and Caroll Rainbow Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah and Carol on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Do you have any questions, ideas, suggestions? Bring them if you like.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#183) 


      Thu Feb 13 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time


      Play and Learn

      When: Thursday, 13 February 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: EVO Minecraft and Discord Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien and Vance Stevens

      Description: Yes, we've reached the last week of EVOmc and it's time to reflect. However the playing and the learning continues.

      Join us to continue exploring, building, trading and learning. 
      If you have questions, ideas, suggestions bring them all with you.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#182)



      Wed Feb 12 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-a play session Cancelled

      When: Wednesday, 12 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: Haliwell Minecraft Server 1.14.4 and EVOmc Discord

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Reedstone and Caroll Rainbow Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Sorry guys, today's session with Dakotah is cancelled because of a doctor's appointment that he'd forgotten about.

      Join Dakotah and Carol on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.

      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Do you have any questions, ideas, suggestions? Bring them if you like.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#181) 


      Wed Feb 12 1300 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time


      Play and Learn

      When: Wednesday, 12 February 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien and Vance Stevens

      Description: Yes, we've reached the last week of EVOmc and it's time to reflect. However the playing and the learning continues.

      Join us to continue exploring, building, trading and learning.

      If you have questions, ideas, suggestions bring them all with you.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#180) 




      Tue Feb 11 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session



      Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-a play session

      When: Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: Haliwell Minecraft Server 1.14.4 and EVOmc Discord

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Reedstone and Caroll Rainbow Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah and Carol on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Do you have any questions, ideas, suggestions? Bring them if you like.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#178) 


      Tue Feb 11 1300 & 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Classic 1.12.2 Play and Learn Time



      Play and Learn

      When: Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: EVO Minecraft and Discord Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien and Vance Stevens

      Description: Yes, we've reached the last week of EVOmc and it's time to reflect. However the playing and the learning continues.

      Join us to continue exploring, building, trading and learning.

      If you have questions, ideas, suggestions bring them all with you.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#177)



      Mon Feb 10 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-a play session

      Monday, 10 February 2020
      7:30pm to 8:30pm, (UTC+00:00) UTC - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=EVO+Minecraft+MOOC+Haliwell+faux+playtime+1930+utc&iso=20200210T19&p1=1440&ah=1
      Repeats: Daily, 6 times


      Haliwell Minecraft Server 1.14.4 and EVOmc Discord

      Organizer: Dakotah Reedstone and Caroll Rainbow Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Join Dakotah and Carol on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Do you have any questions, ideas, suggestions? Bring them if you like.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#174) 



      Mon Feb 10 1300 and 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn TImes



      Play and Learn Time

      Monday, 10 February 2020
      6:00pm to 7:00pm
      (UTC+00:00) UTC
      Repeats: Daily, 6 times

      Organizer: Olivetree/Maha

      Yes, we've reached the last week of EVOmc and it's time to reflect. However the playing and the learning continues.

      Join us to continue exploring, building, trading and learning.

      If you have questions, ideas, suggestions bring them all with you.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#173)



      Play and Learn

      When: Monday, 10 February 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien and Vance Stevens

      Description: Yes, we've reached the last week of EVOmc and it's time to reflect. However the playing and the learning continues.



      Sun Feb 9 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      a Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop - a play session

      When: Sunday, 9 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:Haliwell Minecraft 1.14.4 and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah Redstone on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Bring your questions if you like.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#171) 


      Sun Feb 9 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn session


      Reminder: Play and Learn Time - Week 4

      When: Sunday, 9 February 2020, 6:00pm to 7:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree

      Description: Join us to continue learning how to play, explore, survive and create in Minecraft. Apply what you've learned so far during a "Lost" exercise, learn about dispensers and how you can use them to provide players/learners with books, maps, items etc,
      Work on an activity with someone.

      If you have an idea and need help implementing it, share it and find collaborators.
      Need to catch up, let us know when you can be online.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#170) |



      Sat Feb 8 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop - a play session

      When: Saturday, 8 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:Haliwell Minecraft 1.14.4 and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah Redstone on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Bring your questions if you like.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#169)


      Sat Feb 8 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn session


      Play and Learn Time - Week 4

      When: Saturday, 8 February 2020, 6:00pm to 7:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree

      Description: Join us to continue learning how to play, explore, survive and create in Minecraft. Apply what you've learned so far during a "Lost" exercise, learn about dispensers and how you can use them to provide players/learners with books, maps, items etc, 
      Work on an activity with someone. 

      If you have an idea and need help implementing it, share it and find collaborators. 
      Need to catch up, let us know when you can be online.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#168)




      Fri Feb 7 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      a Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop - a play session

      When: Friday, 7 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:Haliwell Minecraft 1.14.4 and Discord servers

      View Event


      Organizer: Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah Redstone on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Bring your questions if you like.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#167)


      Fri Feb 7 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn session


      Play and Learn Time - Week 4

      When: Friday, 7 February 2020, 6:00pm to 7:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree

      Description: Join us to continue learning how to play, explore, survive and create in Minecraft. Apply what you've learned so far during a "Lost" exercise, learn about dispensers and how you can use them to provide players/learners with books, maps, items etc,
      Work on an activity with someone.

      If you have an idea and need help implementing it, share it and find collaborators.
      Need to catch up, let us know when you can be online.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#166)


      Thu Feb 6 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      a Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop - a play session

      When: Thursday, 6 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:Haliwell Minecraft 1.14.4 and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah Redstone on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Bring your questions if you like.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#165) 



      Wed Feb 5 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      a Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop - a play session

      When: Wednesday, 5 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:Haliwell Minecraft 1.14.4 and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah Redstone on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Bring your questions if you like.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#163) 


      Wed Feb 5 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn Time - Week 4


      When: Wednesday, 5 February 2020, 6:00pm to 7:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree

      Description: Join us to continue learning how to play, explore, survive and create in Minecraft. Apply what you've learned so far during a "Lost" exercise, learn about dispensers and how you can use them to provide players/learners with books, maps, items etc,
      Work on an activity with someone.

      If you have an idea and need help implementing it, share it and find collaborators.
      Need to catch up, let us know when you can be online.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#162)



      Tue Feb 4 1930 UTC EVOMC20 Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop-play session


      Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: Haliwell Minecraft 1.14.4 and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Description: Join Dakotah Redstone on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#161) 


      Tue Feb 4 1800 UTC EVOMC20 Play and Learn Time - Week 4


      Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 6:00pm to 7:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where: EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree

      Description: Join us to continue learning how to play, explore, survive and create in Minecraft. Apply what you've learned so far during a "Lost" exercise, learn about dispensers and how you can use them to provide players/learners with books, maps, items etc,
      Work on an activity with someone.

      If you have an idea and need help implementing it, share it and find collaborators.
      Need to catch up, let us know when you can be online.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#160)


      Tue 4 Feb 0100 UTC EVOMC20 participates in Minecraft Monday: Networking with VSTE Community


      Announced on the VSTE Community list 

      VSTE Place sign (1).png


      Monday, February 3rd, at 8 PM EST, EVOMOOC will visit VSTE Place and Dakotah_Redstone will give a tour for them. 
      EVO stands for Electronic Village Online. A MOOC is a Massively Open Online Course. In this MOOC participants explore the multi-player game Minecraft as a virtual world for learning. Many of the participants are teachers, particularly language teachers, but some enjoy online gaming as a way of improving their English as a second language.  


      This MOOC is run by Vance Stevens, who is a member of the VSTE VE PLN. Kim Harrison is a co-moderator of EVO Minecraft MOOC.


      This event was announced at EVOMC 20 on our groups.io and Facebook communities


      Minecraft Monday (Feb 3 evening in Virginia): Networking with VSTE Community



      Monday, 4 February 2020

      1:00am to 2:00am

      (UTC+00:00) UTC

      Your tIme wherever you are in the world - confirmed (thanks Beth Ghostraven :-)

      https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Minecraft+Monday+Feb+4+1300+UTC&iso=20200204T01&p1=1440&ah=1 (09:00 a.m. in Malaysia)


      VSTE Minecraft and Discord Servers

      Organizer: Dakotah Redstone

      We have been invited for a tour and play on the VSTE server. More about VSTE here:


      VSTE Minecraft Address is
      VSTE Discord invite https://discord.gg/hB4tWB

      Please remember to install the Minecraft 1.13.2 version.

      We suggest that you try logging into Discord 15 minutes before the session so that we have enough time to help you with any last minute issues.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#153) 




      Mon 3 feb 1930 UTC - Hinderval 1.14.4 server orientation and play session


      A Hinderval University "faux" orientation workshop - a play session 

      Monday, 3 February 2020, 7:30pm to 8:30pm, (UTC+00:00) UTC

      Your tIme wherever you are in the world

      https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=EVO+Minecraft+MOOC+play+and+learn+-+Mon+Feb+3+at+1930+UTC&iso=20200203T1930&p1=1440&ah=1 (03:30 a.m. Feb 4 in Malaysia)

      Repeats: Daily, 7 times


      Where: Haliwell Minecraft 1.14.4 and Discord servers

      Organizers: Dakotah Redstone and Carol Rainbow

      Join Dakotah Redstone on Haliwell Server 1.14.4 continue with your learning and get caught up.
      Plan to communicate in Discord (Dakotah likes to yak) :)

      Bring your questions if you like.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#155)


      Mon 3 Feb Play and Learn Times on the 1.12.2 Classic EVOMC Server


      Play and Learn Time - Week 4 - Monday, 3 February 2020, 6:00pm to 7:00pm, (UTC+00:00) UTC

      Repeats: Daily, 7 times

      Your tIme wherever you are in the world

      https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=EVO+Minecraft+MOOC+play+and+learn+-+Mon+Feb+3+at+1800+UTC&iso=20200203T18&p1=1440&ah=1 (02:00 a.m. Feb 4 in Malaysia)


      Where: EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      Organizer: Olivetree

      Join us to continue learning how to play, explore, survive and create in Minecraft. Apply what you've learned so far during a "Lost" exercise, learn about dispensers and how you can use them to provide players/learners with books, maps, items etc, 
      Work on an activity with someone. 

      If you have an idea and need help implementing it, share it and find collaborators. 
      Need to catch up, let us know when you can be online.

      Groups.io Link View/Reply Online (#154)



      Play and Learn Time - Week 4 - Monday, 3 February 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (UTC+00:00) UTC

      Repeats: Daily, 6 times

      Your tIme wherever you are in the world

      https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=EVO+Minecraft+MOOC+play+and+learn+-+Mon+Feb+3+at+1800+UTC&iso=20200203T18&p1=1440&ah=1 (09:00 p.m. in Malaysia)

       (02:00 a.m. in Malaysia)


      Join us to continue learning how to play, explore, survive and create in Minecraft. Apply what you've learned so far during a "Lost" exercise, learn about dispensers and how you can use them to provide players/learners with books, maps, items etc, 
      Work on an activity with someone. 

      If you have an idea and need help implementing it, share it and find collaborators. 
      Need to catch up, let us know when you can be online.

      Groups.io Link View/Reply Online (#152)




      Sat 1 Feb Play and Learn Times


      When: Saturday, 1 February 2020, 8:00pm to 9:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      View Event

      Description: Join us and let's

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#147)


      WhenSaturday, 1 February 2020, 5:00pm to 6:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers

      View Event

      Description: Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret
      long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.



      Groups.io Link:

      View/Reply Online (#145)


      When: Saturday, 1 February 2020 1:00pm to 2:00pm
      (GMT+00:00) UTC

      EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers


      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.



      View/Reply Online (#148) 


      Fri 31 Jan Play and Learn Times


      Friday, 31 January 2020, 8:00pm to 9:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC


      Where:EVO Minecraft and Discord servers

      View Event

      Description: Join us and let's

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#140)



      WhenFriday, 31 January 2020 5:00pm to 6:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC



      EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers

      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret
      long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#139)


      Reminder: Play and Learn Time

      Friday, 31 January 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers

      View Event


      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link View/Reply Online (#136)



      Thu Jan 30 EVO MC MOOC Play and Learn Times


      Thursday, 30 January 2020, 8:00pm to 9:00pm,(GMT+00:00) UTC


      EVO Minecraft and Discord servers


      Join us and let's

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#135) 



      Thursday, 30 January 2020, 5:00pm to 6:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC




      EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers

      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret
      long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#133)  


      Thursday, 30 January 2020 1:00pm to 2:00pm (GMT+00:00) UTC


      EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers


      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#131)



      Wed Jan 29 EVO MC MOOC Play and Learn Times


      Wednesday, 29 January 2020, 8:00pm to 9:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC


      EVO Minecraft and Discord servers



      Join us and let's

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help. 

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link


      View/Reply Online (#129)



      Wednesday, 29 January 2020, 5:00pm to 6:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC


      EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers


      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret 
      long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help. 

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#127)


      Wednesday, 29 January 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC


      EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers



      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.

      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#125)



      Tue Jan 28 EVO MC MOOC Play and Learn Times



      Mon Jan 27 EVO MC MOOC Play and Learn Times



      Sun Jan 26 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time


      Play and Learn Time

      Sunday, 26 January 2020
      1:00pm to 2:00pm
      (UTC+00:00) UTC
      Repeats: Daily, 7 times

      EVO Discord and Minecraft Servers


      Join us and let's:

      Meet and trade with villagers, visit some ancient monuments and some modern ones, go for a scavenger hunt and recreate a secret long forgotten text,. take over a witch hut, make a trampoline, or may be mine for Diamonds.

      Are you starting to have some ideas for what you'd like to try with students? Is it still vague? Write a brief description of it, share it and watch the idea grow. :)

      The activities are suitable for all levels, but more experienced players and moderators will be there to help.

      If you've heard about something in Minecraft that you'd like to learn about or learn how to do, let us know.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#103)



      Sat Jan 25 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time


      Play and Learn Time

      When: Saturday, 25 January 2020, 5:00pm to 6:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree / Maha

      Description: Join olivetree to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#101)


      Play and Learn Time

      Saturday, 25 January 2020
      1:00pm to 2:00pm
      (GMT+00:00) UTC

      EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      Join Jane Chien to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#100)


      Fri Jan 24 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time


      Play and Learn Time

      When: Friday, 24 January 2020, 5:00pm to 6:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree / Maha

      Description: Join olivetree to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#97) |



      Play and Learn Time

      Friday, 24 January 2020
      1:00pm to 2:00pm
      (GMT+00:00) UTC

      EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      Join Jane Chien to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#96) 



      Thu Jan 23 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time


      Play and Learn Time

      Thursday, 23 January 2020
      5:00pm to 6:00pm
      (GMT+00:00) UTC


      EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      Join olivetree to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#92) 



      Play and Learn Time

      When: Thursday, 23 January 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien

      Description: Join Jane Chien to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#89)



      Wed Jan 22 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time


      Play and Learn Time

      When: Wednesday, 22 January 2020, 5:00pm to 6:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers


      View Event

      Organizer: Olivetree / Maha

      Description: Join olivetree to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#87) |



      Play and Learn Time

      Wednesday, 22 January 2020
      1:00pm to 2:00pm
      (GMT+00:00) UTC

      EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      Join Jane Chien to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#86) 


      Tue Jan 21 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time


      From Olivetree, via Discord

      #announcements (EVO Minecraft)
      @everyone We are now in week 2 of EVOmc20. Join us every day to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their diverse features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters, architecture etc.) and how to navigate the world. For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game. Sessions are at 13:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC. If you'd like to login and practice on your own anytime please go ahead, and if you'd like help or some company let us know in the #conversations channel tagging us by starting with @Moderators . Remember to take some pictures using F2 in-game, and use the #adventures-in-world channel to tell us about your learning adventures.


      Play and Learn Time

      Tuesday, 21 January 2020
      5:00pm to 6:00pm
      (GMT+00:00) UTC


      EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      Join olivetree to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Link

      View/Reply Online (#82) 


      Play and Learn Time

      When: Tuesday, 21 January 2020, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien

      Description: Join Jane Chien to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      Groups.io Links:

      You receive all messages sent to this group.

      View/Reply Online (#79) 



      Mon Jan 20 1300 and 1700 Play and learn time


      Olivetree posted this on behalf of Jane Chien on Facebook, for the 1300 UTC event



      Play and Learn Time

      Monday, 20 January 2020
      1:00pm to 2:00pm
      (UTC+00:00) UTC
      Repeats: Daily, 6 times

      EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      Organizer: Jane Chien

      Join Jane Chien to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.


      And Olivertree Grove (Maha) posted this for the 1700 UTC event at https://groups.io/g/minecraftmooc/message/78 


      Play and Learn Time

      Monday, 20 January 2020
      5:00pm to 6:00pm
      (GMT+00:00) UTC

      EVOmc Discord and Minecraft servers

      Join olivetree to learn how to survive in Minecraft, how to create different tools, how to build different structures, explore different biomes looking at their different features (flora, fauna, terrain, monsters etc.), how to navigate the world.

      For those who are logging in for the first time we will help you set up your discord and log in Minecraft, we will help you learn how to join different text and voice channels and catch you up in-game.



      Sun Jan 19 more play adventures in minecraft planned


      Visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/evomc/ to see when the event will be




      Sat Jan 18 1700 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Olivetree/Maha


      Time wherever you are in the world



      This event announcement has been scheduled on Facebook to repeat on Jan 17 and Jan 18, 2020






      Sat Jan 18 1300 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Chien Jane



      And meanwhile, on the Classic EVO Minecraft 1.12.2 server,

      Jane is cheering its resurrection by Aaron Schwartz after an overload brought it down for a couple of days  ...


      Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics - Sat, 01/18/2020 1:00pm-2:30pm #cal-reminder 

      minecraftmooc@groups.io Calendar <minecraftmooc@...>
      4:00am   #74  

      Reminder: Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics

      When: Saturday, 18 January 2020, 1:00pm to 2:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft Discord and Minecraft Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien


      • You can Log into Discord and learn how to join and use different channels of EVO Minecraft server.
      • Learn how to switch to the right version of Minecraft.
      • Get help joining EVO Minecraft server and come on a short tour while learning the basics.
      If  you've done all that, join us on Minecraft for a playtime where we can explore the EVOmc2020 area and learn some new skills.



      Fri-Sat Jan 17-18 1700 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Olivetree/Maha


      Time wherever you are in the world




      Fri Jan 17 1300 UTC EVO Minecraft MOOC - Discord and Minecraft Login & Basics


      This reminder was posted at https://groups.io/g/minecraftmooc/message/72

      Upcoming Event: Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics - Fri, 01/17/2020 1:00pm-2:30pm #cal-reminder 

      minecraftmooc@groups.io Calendar <minecraftmooc@...>
      Jan 17   #72  

      Reminder: Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics

      When: Friday, 17 January 2020, 1:00pm to 2:30pm, (GMT+00:00) UTC

      Where:EVO Minecraft Discord and Minecraft Servers

      View Event

      Organizer: Jane Chien


      • You can Log into Discord and learn how to join and use different channels of EVO Minecraft server.
      • Learn how to switch to the right version of Minecraft.
      • Get help joining EVO Minecraft server and come on a short tour while learning the basics.
      If  you've done all that, join us on Minecraft for a playtime where we can explore the EVOmc2020 area and learn some new skills.



      Thu Jan 16 1700 UTC Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics with Olivetree/Maha



      The event was posted at https://groups.io/g/minecraftmooc/topic/upcoming_event_discord_and/69720390 as

      Discord and Minecraft Login and Basics

      By: Olivetree
      When: Thursday, January 16th, 2020
      5:00pm to 6:30pm (UTC+00:00) UTC
      Where: Discord and Minecraft
      Organizer: Olivetree / Maha

      You can Log into Discord and learn how


      More details on when: 17:00 UTC, 12:00 New York, 19:00 in Egypt, 01:00 next day in Malaysia and Taipei, 2:00 am in Japan

      Time wherever you are in the world (updated):



      Thu Jan 16 1300 UTC EVO Minecraft MOOC Facebook Event - Discord and Minecraft Login & Basics


      The following event was announced on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/events/1508240982656863/



      You can Log into Discord and learn how


      More details on when: 13:00 UTC,  08:00 New York, 15:00 in Egypt, 21:00 in Malaysia and Taipei, 22:00 am in Japan


      What happened in-world

      A group of half a dozen moderators, including Olivetree Grove, Chien Jane, Mattie Tsai, Dakotah Redstone, and newcomer Tricky Eel Joe from Taiwan, met in the EVO Minecraft classic server starting a little earlier than the appointed meeting time. Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear were late and found the classic server down. According to Dakotah Redstone, they had been "moving huge blocks around" and the server crashed.  When Bobbi and Teacher arrived in DIscord we were directed to join them at Dak's server Haliwell. The IP address of that server is given here: 2020_Server_Info



      These screenshots are by Teacher Vance and give a flavor of our experience on the Haliwell server.


      We found where the Christmas tree was, which had been used in one of Dak's holiday greetings


      Dak has a map room with a wall map where locations of builds in the area are tracked



      This is outside the map room


      Here are two more views of the builds there. As you can see Dak is a tasteful, and prolific, designer



      After an hour Dak led us for a run along the edge of an acacia plateau


      Back to the spawn point where he had placed beds near some boxes of supplies.


      If you sleep in one of the beds, and it is still there when you are next terminated due to some unfortunate happenstance, then you will respawn in the bed you selected, assuming the bed is still there and you haven't reset your personal spawn point meantime.  In that case you can grab a magic bow and an arrow (you just need one with the magic bow) and be better prepared to ward off happenstance when you venture out into Dak's world anew.



      Sun 12 Jan EVO kickoff meeting


      The EVO20 annual Kickoff event is on January 12, 2020 at 2 PM UTC (9:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 





      Sat 11 Jan EVO Minecraft MOOC final preparation in Discord and Minecraft



      In our first adventure of the season, we showed some newcomers around the spawn point and then set off to neutralize a nest of skeletons in the spawner that Teacher Vance I had discovered earlier in explorations around the wilderness portal, a great source for bows and arrows I might add.





      On the first day of EVO20, and 24 hours before the official EVO kickoff event Jan 12 we attracted several moderators and a few newcomers to Minecraft. Heike joined Vance briefly in Zoom (pictured below) but I left that space after half an hour in order to focus on the others on the EVO Minecraft server and speaking in DIscord



      Where? We announced meeting in 3 places


      When? The event is set for Sat 11 Jan  at 1400 UTC


      We gathered at the /warp Whitetower or /warp spawn and then went over to the /warp hub

      Someone named ~tour_helper joined us there



      From there we stepped into the Wilderness portal and were beamed up to the wilderness outpost



      There is a high point there with a ladder up a tower where you can then jump into the treetops and get a nice view



      From there we took a trail signposted "to the village" and crossed the river to the village with a red building added by Dak



      Heike had had a run in with a skeleton by then



      From the red building you can see a tower to the west



      From that tower you head for another tower in a bend in the river at the base of the mountains

      Here are the coordinates for the second shelter



      From there go down to the bend in the river you find your way signposted up the mountain. Follow the torches.



      Up the mountain we found the spawner guarded by skeletons



      There was a grand battle



      Most of us survived, barely



      Hi mom, it's meeeee !!



      You can suppress the spawner by putting torches on it. Mobs don't spawn in bright light.



      Dak built a wall around the spawner designed so that skeletons coming out of the spawner wouldn't be able to shoot out but someone outside could shoot in.



      In preparation for EVOMC20 in early January


      Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear and Jane Chien and Olivetree Grove and others have been exploring the area northwest of the Wilderness Warp at 20k x 20k on our classic server. Those are the X (-west +east) and Z (-north +south) coordinates you see when you press F3 in Minecraft.


      Our new area is in the tiaga at around 19.5000-X and 20.5000-Z  Here are some screenshots of the area:



      You can tame llamas nearby if you give them about ten bundles of wheat



      If you feed parrots seeds they might sit on your shoulder



      Be careful, some of the candlelit paths up the mountains come out on a skeleton spawner




      You can recover wherever you respawn. Right click on a bed inside this shelter to set a bed spawn here.



      Here are the coordinates for this shelter



      Down across from the bend in the river you find your way signposted up the mountain



      You can see some of the torches marking the way up behind AbuFletcher. The spawner is a good place to pick up a few arrows, and you might collect some bows if you manage to get a few skeletons before they get you. If you linger there they'll overwhelm you.



      There are ways to deal with spawners. The first step is to light up the chamber. We've put enough light there where we can see our way in the dark cave, but we're leaving this for a group of EVOMC20 adventurers to sort out. Welcome to join us.


      EVO Minecraft MOOC Live Events from March through December, 2019


      Mon 09 Dec 1200 UTC EVOMC20 Planning and a Minecraft Field Trip


      This was announced in our EVO Minecraft Facebook Group




      Meet in Discord on the Party-planners channel and OliveTree will guide us







      We are meeting to plan for our EVOmc session starting around a month from now. 

       1- A brief tour of two Spawn areas on two public, family friendly Minecraft servers. 

       2- Decide what needs to be updated and who can help with it.

       3- Advertising and invitations.

       4- Main Discussion area(s).

       5- Any other issued that you have in mind. 


       If we need to meet again we can agree tentative dates and times.





      Vance StevensJane ChienDon Carroll, and Olivetree Lighthouse at our agreed upon new spawn point for #EVOMC20




      Fri Mar 1, 2019 - EVO Minecraft MOOC convenes to discuss moving from Google+ Communities to Moodle


      Whither EVOMC20?


      How can we replace Google+ Communities. Rose Bard proposes Moodle. Vance and Jane concur.

      But what do you think? We plan to meet and discuss.


      Here is the time wherever you are, set one hour later than before:



      It is proposed to

      • meet in discord
      • meet in discord and Minecraft as well (optional) and record the meeting to allow others to follow the discussion 


      Hi all. As the clock counts down on the demise of this marvelous home for our community, many of us are actively considering where we should move to. If you have any thoughts on the best all-in-one home for our continued sharing and discussion, please add them here. If you'd like to talk it over live, you can meet us in Discord at 1300 UTC on March 1. It might be fun and appropriate to pop into Minecraft while we're at it, if that's not too distracting, though the focus would be on the discussion.


      The following is from a thread in FB which captures one part of the genesis of this proposed meeting


      <Rose BardVance Stevens and I talked about Moodle Livre. Now that I can work on the computer again, I need to discuss this with the team. The great thing about Moodle is that we can link the blog (wordpress) into it and use the blog as external tool to the community. Let's have a meeting in Discord this week to discuss it.

      <Jane ChienAbsolutely! Mattie Tsai will be reading this tomorrow, and he'd be touched as well. Great suggestion! Moodle is better than Google Classroom! we'll set up a discord meeting this week.


      <Jane ChienVance Stevens I think Friday March 1st 1300 UTC works well. I've checked with Olive, Rose, and Dak. I'll ask Don and Mircea as well.


      From DIscord chat on March 1, Don Carroll posted ... 


      Comparison of Internet forum software

      This article outlines the general features commonly found in various Internet forum software packages. It highlights major features that the manager of a forum might want and should expect to be commonly available in different forum software. These comparisons do not include ...


      Fri Jun 28, 2019 - Vance Stevens presented on EVO Minecraft MOOC at the ICCTAR conference in Melaka, Malaysia






      See our archived live events from previous years




      View our video trailer


      This video trailer appeared when

      Vance Stevens presented on EVO Minecraft MOOC at WorldCALL 5 on November 16, 2018, in Concepcion, Chile

      Find this presentation online at https://tinyurl.com/vance2018worldcall for which was ceated this video trailer to introduce EVOMC19



      The trailer derives from a

      presentation made by Vance Stevens and Jane Chien on EVO Minecraft MOOC in Chicago, March 28, for TESOL 2018 

      EVO Minecraft MOOC at TESOL Chicago _ Smore Newsletter4.pdf

      Handout prepared for Chicago: TESOL2018Chicago_MinecraftHANDOUT.pdf



      Date and time of this update

      November 22, 2020 - 05:00 UTC




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