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Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 3 years, 1 month ago

You are viewing an archived page for EVOMC21

EVO Minecraft MOOC 2022 server info is here: 2022_server_info

To reach the Sidebar for the current version of this EVO sessionclick here


EVO Minecraft MOOC 1.16.4 server


Our server hosted by Aaron Schwartz is NO LONGER running Minecraft version 1.16.2

The server has been upgraded to  1.16.4


At this writing, 1.16.4 is the "latest version" of Minecraft. However, that could change.

Mojang typically issues new releases every few months.

Until the EVO Minecraft server is upgraded to the new version, it will continue to run the old one.

You have to ensure that the version of Minecraft you are running on your device is the same as the one running on the server.



As of November, 2020

The EVO server is running Minecraft version 1.16.4



Important catch: The latest version of MC is 1.16.4 or maybe even higher when you read this

You'll need 1.16.4 in order to play on the EVO server until and if it is upgraded

To change Minecraft versions using the new launcher (as of August, 2020) here is what you do ...




Note that the latest version in Nov 2020 is 1.16.4



Note that in Nov 2020 if you choose "latest release" it will be 1.16.4



As of Nov 2020, choose 1.16.4



As of Nov 2020 you want 1.16.4



Shown here are the names you have given the installations you have loaded into your Microsoft client installer


In Nov 2020 the version you choose to play is the one that has installed 1.16.4

The name you see to the left of PLAY is the name that YOU give your installation.

I find it good practice to include the version number in the name I give my installations.



Video showing how to set your PLAY profile in an older version of the Minecraft Launcher


Olivetree made a 3:38 min:sec video to show you how to change your profile from the latest version to the one we were using at the time: 1.12.2

And you can try following the instructions below the video, but note that the new Minecraft launcher has changed its appearance slightly, though the principle is the same.





How to connect with our server at mc.evomc.net


Video instructions for server connection


Olivetree made a 5:28 min:sec video to show you how to connect with the EVO Minecraft Server once you have the correct profile running

And you can try following the instructions below the video. Keep in mind that our installation version has changed.



Text and visual instructions for server connection


If you want to refresh your knowledge without watching the video again, try following these instructions.

Keep in mind that what you see might be a little different since the installer itself has changed, but the current view is similar and the principle is the same.


  1. Run Minecraft and select "Multiplayer"

  2. Click "Add Server"
  3. In "Server Address" type in the IP address of our server mc.evomc.net and then select "Done".
    1. Be careful there are no extra spaces before or after the server name
    2. Extra spaces will be significant and will not connect you with our server
  4. Write in the server name EVO 2021 or whatever you wish to call this server.
    Best practices suggest that the name you give it include the version#; e.g. EVO 2021 1.16.4


4. From here click on the server EVOMC 2021 (or whatever you called it) and then click the button "Join Server".



If you get a connection error, click REFRESH and try again.


Thanks to EVO Minecraft MOOC co-moderator Aaron Schwartz for setting up and maintaining the EVO server

from a nether portal in his office at Ohio University, Athens, Georgia.

The nether portal might have by now emerged at one of his home computers, but that is immaterial to us here. 


Our server has rules - please follow them



You can see these rules  while paying on our server.


  • In Minecraft press the forward leaning slash key /
  • This will bring up the text you see in red and yellow above
  • Type /rules to see the rules as shown above 


A model Community Minecraft Charter 


We were honored to have Jo Kay with us in EVOMC17. She did a formal session on Jokadia which we recorded here



We think that the Massively@jokaydia Community Minecraft Charter provides reasonable guidelines governing behavior on our server. It was developed by some of the kids playing on Massively Minecraft.


Here are the first two sections of the 



Where do we build? 

  • We build on land that we have claimed for ourselves.
  • This land must be a reasonable distance from other peoples builds!
    • Use 1mins minecraft walking distance as a guide,
    • or ask a Moderator for advice on where to build!
  • If you want to build nearer, or with anyone else – you need to ask first and get their permission.



  • We are a community of explorers and builders who work together with kindness and honesty.
  • We will not take resources (things) such as materials, objects, tools, dyes, food, flowers, wood that other people have collected.
  • We will not loot other people’s chests, or take any objects from their builds.
  • We will not use mods or resource packs that give us an unfair advantage (eg. Xray mod etc).
  • We will tell the truth and understand we will be asked to leave if we cannot.


Our policy regarding whom we accept to join us during EVO each year


We also have a policy, given in our EVO proposal



We accept join requests from educators (and sometimes their students and/or their children) whose profiles appear to link to identifiable people who could become potential colleagues as opposed to gamers apparently using pseudonyms, and whose reasons for joining us would likely be incompatible with our goals and passions, which relate to gamification in education, not just playing Minecraft for hedonistic reasons. As we are a community of practice interested in assisting each other in using Minecraft creatively and constructively with students, we might reject profiles that appear irrelevant to our goals or indicate no evidence of shared aspirations. 



A word of thanks to Dakotah Redstone and his Haliwell server running through EVOMC20


This notice was posted on Discord on Sept 17, 2020



Hosted by Dakota Redstone, the server was the center of half the activities scheduled in the last months of EVO Minecraft MOOC 2020

Dak worked in tandem with Carole Rainbow to welcome newcomers to their server


It was a pure survival server. When you arrived, you would  be in diapers, have no accumulations from previous game play, and feel a bit frustrated, like going out and punching a tree or something.


You could tell it to the Golem



But Dak or Carole were usually on hand to shepherd newcomers to the experience, and they had set up a welcome area where essentials were available. Playing in pure survival mode gave us insights into how Minecraft could be used in this mode with students to help develop critical thinking and cooperation skills, because students would have to develop strategies for coping with respawning empty handed, such as quickly creating shelters, stocking them with chests, storing critical gear in them to speed re-entry after the next respawn event, and finding light so they can work, protected, in the dark.


Thanks to both of them, and we hope for a resurrection in Haliwell or some other form in the near future.






Minecraft is constantly coming out with updates, so instructions and server details may go out of date here.

If you notice anything that is incorrect, please notify us.



Latest updates

January 13, 2021 - 03:00 UTC - Teacher Vance

This page was archived on August 2, 2021 





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