

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 3 years, 6 months ago

You are viewing the archived Missions Front Page for EVOMC21

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Missions for EVO Minecraft MOOC 2021



EVO stands for Electronic Village Online. A MOOC is a Massively Open Online Course. In this MOOC we will explore the multi-player game Minecraft as a virtual world for learning. Many of our participants are teachers particularly language teachers, but some enjoy online gaming as a way of improving their English as a second language.  Some of us are young, some of us are not so young, but all of us are young at heart :-) 


See our promotional video here: https://youtu.be/JUF2-loSL0E


Thanks to Rose Bard


Please use our tag: #evomc21


EVOMC21 Moderators

Aaron Schwartz, Don Carroll, Jane Chien and Mattie Tsai, Jeff Kuhn, Kim Harrison, Laura Briggs, Marijana, Filip, and Domagoj SmolĨec, Mircea Patrascu, Rose and Emanuel Bard,  Vance and Bobbi Stevens; and defacto moderators Olivetree Grove, and Dakotah Redstone 



What are your first steps to join us in Minecraft?



Learn how we communicate with each other



Plan your goals (missions) in EVOMC 2021



What's with the orient, declare, network, cluster, focus ???




Refer here for links in the EVOMC21 session,  or see the sidebar --->




This trailer derives from a presentation made by 

Vance Stevens and Jane Chien on EVO Minecraft MOOC in Chicago, March 28, for TESOL 2018 


See more articles, presentations, and blog posts about EVO Minecraft MOOC here: Pedagogy_of_Minecraft  


Request for feedback on EVOMC21


Thanks to all the EVO Minecraft MOOC co-moderators and participants who made this year's session so special 


Some of us were working in COVID19 lockdown conditions during this period. I think this helped us illustrate through through extrapolation from our own learning and through the occasional participation of young learners in EVOMC21 how a Minecraft component could be a powerful stimulus for engagement in an online course with English language learners.


If you enjoyed this session and feel you benefited in some way, could you please leave us feedback in these spaces:


  1. Please fill in the EVO Participant survey - https://forms.gle/oGkDztFwqJPPsobn8 
    This survey is conducted by EVO after each session to help us justify continued support of EVO under TESOL/CALL-IS sponsorship
    The deadline requested is Feb 15, but asap after that will still be highly appreciated.
  2. Please leave us a short recording of you spontaneous reflection on EVOMC21 on the Flipgrid here: https://flipgrid.com/af3fa4dd
    Your recording will join the dozens of others you can see at that link and will appear as a gallery of voices in the upcoming TESOL 2021 Virtual Conference


As explained at the previous link


To celebrate the 20th anniversary of EVO sessions (2001-2021), we would like you to record a short (2-10 minute) testimonial, which will be shared by the CALL Interest Section during the upcoming virtual TESOL Convention, March 24-27, 2021.  


Please share the following information and more if you wish:

  1. Please introduce yourself and your location (city/country).
  2. Name of your EVO session or sessions you took.
  3. Reflect and tell the audience: "Why I love the EVO session(s) and how it has improved (or will improve) my teaching practice."


EVO Moderators can leave their Flipgrid reflections here: https://flipgrid.com/75f54086  


We appreciate your participation as well as your feedback in helping us to improve EVO Minecraft MOOC next year 
and EVO, Electronic Village Online over its next 20 years. 




Recent updates to this page

April 8, 2021 - 07:00 UTC  Vance

August 3 2021 - 02:00 UTC - changed name to FrontPage2021 - Vance










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