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As we get started on this new iteration of EVO Minccraft MOOC for 2022, one of the first things we need to do is elicit feedback from participants on when they are available (and so inclined) to join us live online on our EVO Minecraft MOOC server.
The full program with stream and connect-live links were developed through crowd-sourcing and maintained prior to the conference here, https://bit.ly/evomc22program
Midnight to 0050 UTC Conference Grand Opening and Train Ride
Conference starts, we gather in Zoom to use voice for our conference opening, warp to and screen share our conference venues, explore an extensive rail system created by Dakotah at /warp conf22, deal with housekeeping, then move over to the VSTE server
February 7th, 8 pm EST (This is Tue, Feb 8, 2022 1:00 UTC) VSTE will venture into our new world, version 1.18 together, and look for the evasion Lush Cave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPPepwzvGI
If you are whitelisted you have the server information. That has not changed. If you need more details, please register with the conference and your details will be passed to the K4sons, Kim Harrison, at VSTE, for whitelisting.
This month, February 7th at 8 PM EST the EVO Minecraft MOOC will be our guests on the Minecraft server, kicking off their "first-ever, free EVO Minecraft MOOC 2022 1-day conference on Language Learning starting midnight Feb 8, 2022 [UTC]. As far as we know it is the first such professional conference to be attempted in Minecraft."
Our goal will be to find a "Lush Cave" on our newly updated version 1.18.1 server while chatting and enjoying each other's company.
Lush Cave
The VSTE Virtual Environments PLN is proud to maintain a Minecraft world for educators who want to learn more about Minecraft for teaching and learning and for educators who just love to play in Minecraft. We meet nearly every month on the first Monday of the month from 8 to 9 PM eastern time. The server is open all the time.
Basic directions to join VSTE Place, VSTE’s Minecraft world
USS Dakotah
You must have a computer Minecraft account fromhttps://minecraft.net/en/ to join. There is a one time fee of $26.95. Download and install the software. Choose multiplayer and add a server: Name VSTE Place IP:minecraft.vste.org:11002. Our server is protected. You will need to be whitelisted to enter. Email Kim Harrison at K4sons@gmail.com from an educational email address with your real name and Minecraft account name.
Discord is a voice and screen sharing application that will run on your computer or mobile device. Download and install it for free. Create an account. Many of us use the same name for our Discord account as our Minecraft account to keep things simple. Our channel is https://discord.gg/cp9tsWz It helps us to be able to play Minecraft in one screen and listen via Discord with earbuds or headphones.
0200 to 0250 UTC James York leads discussion on Ludic Language Learning Pedagogy
James York & LLPeers - Q&A on how to teach with games
James York invites attendees at the first ever Conference on Language Learning to be attempted entirely in Minecraft to join him and ask questions aimed at teachers that are actively using games and play in their teaching contexts. The conference is a project of EVO Minecraft MOOC, and EVO (Electronic Village Online Session) and was held on Feb 8, 2022
Discussion questions included:
Why should we care about teaching with games?
How can we teach with games? (pedagogical focus)
How have we (guest speakers) used games in our own contexts?
What are best practices for teaching with games like, but not limited to, minecraft)
What are the barriers to entry to teaching?
0300 to 0350 UTC Robert Remmerswaal and Robert Dykes - Minecraft as a Self-Access Learning Tool
Robert Remmerswaal and Robert Dykes - Minecraft as a Self-Access Learning Tool, streamed on
These teachers are using Minecraft in the Self Access Learning Center at their university. They will discuss what they’ve done in phase 1 of the project and the current plans for phase 2
The floor will be opened up to the audience to share ideas about activities for students, some great plugins or mods, or to share any other ideas they might have to improve our instance of Minecraft and increase student engagement.
Meet on the EVOMC22 server at /warp conf22ship where there is a wall and books prepared to collect ideas from the audience. Server members can post live or after the event at any time.
0900 to 0950 UTC Heike Philp - EXCALIBUR - a new EU funded project
EXCALIBUR stands for EXpanding Content And Language Integrated Learning through BUilding a Sustainable Future in Realtime in immersive environments and is 2-year an EU funded project which takes place in Minecraft (3/22-2/24)
1000 to 1050 UTC Chris Binder - Minetest as an open source alternative for Minecraft & the BLOCKALOT dashboard
Chris Binder - Minetest as an open source alternative for Minecraft & the BLOCKALOT dashboard, Zoom recording uploaded to https://youtu.be/Xch8TZ9kNqU
Minetest (minetest.net) is a free block building game. Due to an active community and its LUA modding capabilities, the gameplay can be customized to the needs of educators
BLOCKALOT (blockalot.de) is a web dashboard that allows teachers to create online maps. It comes with features like user/rights management and custom maps for educational purposes. Despite being in Beta, BLOCKALOT is already used by many teachers.
1100 to 1150 UTC - Andrea Benassi - At school with Minecraft: a large scale experience from Italy
Andrea Benassi - At school with Minecraft: a large scale experience from Italy, Zoom recording uploaded to https://youtu.be/wXif8ysRRpQ
INDIRE is the research institute of the Italian Ministry of Education and has been working with schools for a number of years. Andrea Benassi will present some of their projects.
The above presentations were streamed all three together consecutively in one long video, https://youtu.be/h3BHX5fbZj4
1400 to 1450 UTC - Jane Chien - An analysis of Minecraft in-game activities: beyond vocabulary learning
Jane Chien - An analysis of Minecraft in-game activities: beyond vocabulary learning
The presenter discusses the different types of activities conducted on the EVO Minecraft server and how she has used them in the course of her experiences with EVO Minecraft MOOC.
Jane uploaded her copy of the Zoom mp4 video file to YouTube
1500 to 1550 UTC - Walton Burns - Beyond Adventuring: Tools to teach in Minecraft
Walton Burns - Beyond Adventuring: Tools to teach in Minecraft
The presenter demonstrated numerous ways he's used elements of Minecraft (redstone, NPCs, command blocks, books, etc.) to practice language in fun engaging ways.
Mon 7 Feb 1400 to 1600 UTC Olivetree Grove addresses Coral Reefs in Minecraft
Minecraft Coral Reefs are beautiful underwater gardens. Can we break their blocks and use them in our builds? Can we generate more Coral blocks? What happens to them out of the water? Can we live in a Coral Reef? Can we make them even more beautiful?
Join me to answer those questions, dive into a Coral Reef, swim with dolphins, and try to make it look even more beautiful. Maybe we can even get some colorful fish for an aquarium or a pond.
Sun 6 Feb 0200 to 0400 UTC Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear practice James York's Feb 8 presentation and then serve as helpdesk in ZOOM and on the EVOMC22 server
The first hour 2 to 3 am UTC was in Minecraft and ZOOM
James York was in ZOOM today on the #evomc22 server to test screen share in Minecraft in advance of his discussion session on Feb 8 there, same time, same channel. Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear used the opportunity to test how the stream would work, practice making backup recordings, and coordinate as co-hosts.
EVOMC22 participants were invited to join in. We eventually made a run from Sverd i Fjell, Dak's /warp wellwell, down to his Potemkin village (Dak had alerted us to be aware of possible pillagers en-route). We discussed language learning on the way and when James left, Bobbi and I backtracked to the pillager outpost. That wasn't going to end well, as you can see in the last of the video.
As will be done in the actual event on Tue Feb 8, James and I met on the Minecraft server and voice-connected in Zoom. Vance screen-shared the action in Minecraft into Zoom while tracking where we were on the server through the dynamic map constantly visible at the edge of the Minecraft window. I was able to show other tabs in the browser as well, as needed.
The way I have Zoom set up, registration is required, but you can register at any time, before, at the start of, or in the middle of an event.
You get an instant automated response to your registration with a link to the Zoom room and a passcode evomc, which is the same for all the Zoom meetings I am setting up.
Click on the join link and you see a notice that the meeting will start Feb 8
unless I am already there, in which case you will enter the waiting room.
Once of Bobbi Bear's co-host duties is to admit all comers as fast as possible.
The reason for the waiting room is in case of any bombers (not that a session involving MC would attract such people). At the first sign of trouble the troublemaker is returned to the waiting room and effectively quarantined there. It's fast and less fiddly than other means of removal. I've experienced bombing, so I prefer to have this protection in place.
The second hour 3 to 4 am UTC was in Minecraft and Discord
The plan was, when James left, Bobbi and Vance could stay on in helpdesk or entertainment capacity in case of any further interest or need once we had stopped the Zoom stream to Facebook.
Where? We will be in Minecraft and Discord, in Playground Central
You can see the video embedded at the top of this post.
In the video, Teacher Vance starts off with a cunning plan to recover his death chest which he lost in combat with pillagers at the pillager outpost on the road from Sverd i Fjell to Dak's protected village Strongfield just south of there. It's hard to recover a death chest in the overwhelming presence of hostile mobs, so Bobbi Bear went into creative mode and built a fully-enclosed glass house around my death chest, leaving herself within. I was then able to /tp to her and recover its contents in survival mode in safety. We then put ourselves in creative mode, destroyed the glass house, and wandered among the pillagers and explored their outpost, impressive from the outside, but disappointingly sparse in the interior.
From there we returned to Sverd i Fjell and rode on the striders who were wandering about there untethered (making them much easier to ride, plenty of warped mushrooms on sticks in the chests nearby). We then warped to the conference venue at /warp conf22, Sura's fantasy build in the desert at the south east edge of our known world, and explored the elevated rail tracks Dak had built there. We made our way to his huge nearby beached whale building and explored how to get in there, eventually coming out on the caverns beneath it and exploring the rail system underground.
We discovered this might go better on a better guided tour, but we emerged back at the conference site with a quarter hour to spare in our Helpdesk time, so we warped over to Sura's 2021 spawn point /warp sura2021spawn and showed where Bobbi had refilled Sura's coffers with supplies and weapons, there for the taking by anyone who wants to warp there.
From there we flew over the jungle on the opposite shore to Dak's pyramid and oriented on that to work our way south to where Mattie and Jane have invited us to participate in a maze race later today. We made sure to get screen shots of the maze to give ourselves a leg up in the races, and to reward anyone else who reads this before the event tonight with a bird's-eye-view of the secret playing field.
Confidential! You did not see this here!!
Note: This schematic did not help at all in the game itself. Teacher Vance was last out of the maze.
Mon 31 Jan 1400-1500 UTC Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear take your questions in ZOOM and on the EVOMC22 server
On Mon 31 Jan 1400-1500 UTC Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear went into Minecraft and Zoom to meet participants in EVO Minecraft MOOC and take their questions in ZOOM while screen sharing from the EVOMC22 Minecraft server.
We encountered Chien Jane and Mattie Tsai on the server as well. We visited what they were building near Dakotah Redstone's big pyramid across from the 2021 spawn point. They were designing a maze when we first found them online, and later we caught them on an island they had constructed on the water where they could launch fireworks in preparation for Chinese New Year, the year of the Tiger, 2022. They were under the gun to get their display ready, which they succeeded in doing just in time to post the result on Facebook right at midnight in Taipei. You can see it here, posted on Jan 31, 2022. https://www.facebook.com/groups/evomc.
Bobbi and I explored some of the conference venues and showed information about the conference, https://bit.ly/evomc22conf. The purpose was to provide content to this video, but also to expose flaws in my technique in order for me to correct them prior to the conference on Feb 8. I also kept referring to my conference venue build at /warp conf22ship as a pyramid, when in fact, it is a dome. However, entering the area in survival mode and encountering a 'drowned' https://minecraft-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Drowned gave us the opportunity to demonstrate how to recover a death chest submerged in water.
Jane persisted in creating a Year of the Tiger pixel art and planting it right opposite the fireworks display. You can see its location coordinates, -- /tp 379 64 1058 -- in this image https://www.screencast.com/t/3aLyC4qm3
Our announced plan
To help participants contact real people behind the avatars in order to play in Minecraft with others or get any kind of help there, Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear announced their availability at the time indicated below.
Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear will come online in ZOOM (not Discord) and Minecraft to take questions and practice for that means of presentation at our conference on Feb 8. If you have any questions, it will be an easy way to connect. See Zoom link below:
The above the time was indicated at https://bit.ly/help-available. You can click on the time link above to see the time where you are.
You can also request access to that document and write in your own time proposals, and we'll try and see that someone can meet you there.
NOTE: This event is not in Discord. It's in ZOOM. Here is the invitation:
Sun Jan 30 1800 UTC to 2200 EVOMC22 Helpdesk Double Header with Olivetree Grove and Mirea Artican
This was an active session on the EVO Minecraft MOOC server. According to our ServerChat in Discord, StarLizard was there from 1600 to 1800 UTC, but left just before the action began, since Olivetree Grove had scheduled a Helpdesk session to start at 18:00 UTC.
Oliveree has announced: Play and Learn Today at 10 am pst for Beginners and everyone else is welcome to learn something new. Meet in the Playground Central voice channel.
At about that time Dakotah Redstone had noticed some activity on our server by monitoring the dynamic map, http://mc.evomc.net:8123/, so he was there, he said, "by accident" he said.
Meanwhile still, Mirea Artican had scheduled herself to be on Helpdesk from 20:00 to 22:00 UTC.
Sun 30 Jan 2000-2200 UTC Mirea Artican is on Helpdesk on the EVOMC22 server
Here's what I found, at the coordinates and warp shown in the dynamic map view below:
Above are the times indicated at https://bit.ly/help-available. You can click on the time links to see the times where you are.
You can also request access to that document and write in your own time proposals, and we'll try and see that someone can meet you there.
Thu 27 Jan 1400-1600 UTC Mirea Artican is on Helpdesk on the EVOMC22 server
If you want to contact real people behind the avatars in order to play in Minecraft with others or get any kind of help there, Mirea Artican was available at the time indicated below.
Mirea logged on at this appointed time to show anyone interested around and to possibly help craft beehives &/or turtle shells &/or to tame a pet of one's choice. She was joined in the first hour by Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear. Teacher Vance invited Mirea to a section of forest on the trail to Cyan_portal at /warp honeycomb_haven where he had built a shelter in among some trees with hives, and Mirea built a smoky fire under a hive and explained and demonstrated how to extract honeycombs from the hives without antagonizing the bees, causing damage to the player and death to the bees. Bobbi Bear showed up with a menagerie of birds in tow and showed us how to tame them and get them to sit on our shoulders. We eventually moved over to Vance and Bobbi's home in the 2021 server area which has a phantom observatory on top where we managed to attract phantoms up close and numerous. It's all in the video: https://youtu.be/SxBdYgqV8tE
These are the times indicated at https://bit.ly/help-available. You can click on the time links to see the times where you are.
You can also request access to that document and write in your own time proposals, and we'll try and see that someone can meet you there.
Wed 26 Jan 1200-1400 UTC Vance and Bobbi are on Helpdesk on the EVOMC22 server
If you want to contact real people behind the avatars in order to play in Minecraft with others or get any kind of help there, Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear will be available at the time indicated below.
Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear were on a regularly scheduled helpdesk for anyone who wanted to engage in meaningful play or get any kind of help. No one appeared, apart from Dakotah Redstone toward the end (a helper, not a helpee :-) but Bobbi and I passed time by working on a path from the /warp dock 2022 spawn area to Jamie's house at /warp jamie, so she can get there overland now. We also connected that to an existing trail heading west, and we followed that to /warp honeycomb_haven, where Teacher Vance had previously set up a shelter in the vicinity of some beehives, flowers, and bees. From there we headed toward the game reserve at /warp reserve. On the way we tamed some wild horses and used them to complete the journey to the village below the reserve. Then we mounted the heights to the snowy game reserve and descended to a jungle canopy walk which we followed to a place above the treetops where I had planned a phantom observatory. We ended our video surrounded by phantoms in the dark, and watched them burn off in the morning light. The recording is here : https://youtu.be/Gk-vz6MFGdo
These are the times indicated at https://bit.ly/help-available. You can click on the time links to see the times where you are.
You can also request access to that document and write in your own time proposals, and we'll try and see that someone can meet you there.
Wed 26 Jan noon UTC EVO Minecraft MOOC 2022 tests recording Minecraft in Zoom with Vance Stevens and Walton Burns
Teacher Vance wanted to see how Minecraft would work in Zoom, in particular what the lag would be like. Walton Burns agreed on Jan 26, 2022 to join me there, and he showed me around a pagoda he is building in survival mode. We then went to the /warp conf22ship venue of the conference we are practicing for, the first-ever, free EVO Minecraft MOOC 2022 1-day conference on Language Learning, https://bit.ly/evomc22conf, and had a look at Kumarob's presentation venue, where Walton taught me how we could write messages to one another in the books there. I wanted to do a full screenshare in Zoom, so we went to /warp TheArk and strolled down the hill from there to Walton's pagoda. I offered to show him where there were pandas nearby so we ended there, making babies by feeding the pandas bamboo from the forest they were lolling about in. Vance recorded in Zoom and uploaded to YouTube at https://youtu.be/QI4k8SlDTDo
Mon 24 Jan 1400-1500 UTC Jane and Mattie are on Helpdesk on the EVOMC22 server
EVO Minecraft MOOC moderators Jane Chien, along with Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear streaming and assisting in pathfinding, came online on Monday, Jan 24, 2022 to help anyone who needed it in evomc22 to contact real people behind the avatars in order to play in Minecraft with others or get any kind of help there.
It turned out that the only person needing help was Jane, who set us off on a quest to find Mattie's Statue of Liberty sculpture in the vicinity of Dakotah Redstone's Prominent Pyramid. In completion of this quest, Vance used the dynamic map at http://mc.evomc.net:8123/ to find a nearby /warp dahdakdock and lead an expedition past hungry pandas (we kept them at bay with generous servings of bamboo) in the dangerously waning light to the pyramid itself where he missed the one bed there in the dark and encountered a skeleton instead. Eventually we recovered and found the pyramid by trekking overland and swimming, and ended by exploring some underwater builds in the area as well.
More helpdesk times are given at https://bit.ly/help-available. You can click on the time links there to see the times where you are. You can also request access to that document and write in your own time proposals, and we'll try and see that someone can meet you there.
Here's a dynamic map view of where we were, showing how we navigate in our larger browser view.
Sun 23 Jan 1600 to 1800 UTC Playtime help and support with Mirea on the EVO Minecraft MOOC server
If you want to contact real people behind the avatars in order to play in Minecraft with others or get any kind of help there, Mirea will be in-world this Sunday.
These are the times indicated at https://bit.ly/help-available. You can click on the time links to see the times where you are.
Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear didn't repeat trek from Butterfield Hamlet via Flower fields and Leap of Faith to Grindstone Dock, but worked one-on-one with Kumarob and Jamie_77 instead
We met Kumarob on the server and had a look at the place he had set up. Then we went to the nearby /warp ark (on foot) and from there went (on foot) to /warp stringfarm where we harvested string from a tamed spider spawner.
Then we went to the 2021 home of Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear and made sure Rob had all the gear he needed. We were joined there by Jamie_77, and we helped equip her as well.
Rob had to leave so we took Jamie to /warp doc and found her a temporary place for her new home /warp jamie (she has in mind a kind of private beach dwelling). We showed her how to punch trees and make planks and sticks from the logs and how to build a temporary shelter so we could survive the night, and put coal atop the sticks to make torches so she could see.
It as a nice two hours work, and it's all in the video.
Thu 20 Jan 0400 to 0600 UTC Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear invite you to participate in an overland adventure
Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear guide trek from Butterfield Hamlet via Flower fields and Leap of Faith to Grindstone Dock, provoking pillager raids en route; recording https://youtu.be/-Mj10Ft1n1c
If you want to contact real people behind the avatars in order to play in Minecraft with others or get any kind of help there, Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear will be in-world this Thu.
Read the sign on the sand and follow instructions to /warp sura2021spawn. Here you can see the safe facility set up by Sura for EVOMC21 and you can equip yourself with any tools or weapons you might need for the survival trek.
When all are ready, we warp to Butterfield Hamlet /warp cyan_portal
We follow the path and footbridges into the Flower Fields
We take the steps to the right to the Leap of Faith. Leap if you dare :-)
Assuming you survive that, we ascend the waterfall elevator back up to the footpath and continue on our trek
We seek shelter as needed in a series of villages as we head east to the coast.
Players can try the portal warps or explore the area
The pillage raids were a bonus!!
Due to difficulties streaming yesterday, and the fact that it happened at lunchtime, Vance simply recorded this one.
For the next one, I'll try the stream.
Wed 19 Jan 1400-2000 UTC Playtime help and support sessions on the EVO Minecraft MOOC server
If you want to contact real people behind the avatars in order to play in Minecraft with others or get any kind of help there, Jane and Mattie and Mirea were be in-world on Wed.
Teacher Vance attempted to stream from their session live, finally getting this recording: https://youtu.be/6BXRBSKRoPc
Actually I was streaming live before that, but YouTube was telling me that OBS wasn't sending data. But it was, and produced a few videos which are of interest for their audio content, and here are the URLs
https://youtu.be/FJVe6m1-CSQ 1 min of talk while I try to work out why I can't see the stream, then Jane and Mattie start a conversation from 1 min to end of video at 1:45
Besides Abu Fletcher and Mattie, and Jane and Bobbi and Teacher Vance, Jeff Kuhn was also online for a while with us. Dakotah Redstone was in the area as well.
As it was almost midnight in Malaysia and Taipei and midnight in Japan, the party broke up a little early.
Later on, about 2 am for the early crowd, Mirea was online for extra support. Her time slot was
6 pm to 8 pm UTC, 10 am to noon in California. Tilly was online briefly, but somehow they missed, and Jeff Kuhn was on the server at the time as well. Mirea wrote in the text chat
mireaartican » Anybody still on our server who may want to play or learn or see something new today?
mireaartican » sorry I didn't sign in earlier. I'm here for a few hours now though.
mireaartican » feel free to message me here or on our playground 1 on Discord and I will happy to be of service any way I can. :)
mireaartican was slain by Husk
Happens :-)
Sun 16 Jan - 1500-1600 UTC - Official Week 1 kickoff for EVOMC22 Fish Fry server party at /warp wellwell
We hope by now to have had some new participants to have joined us 'in world' on our #evomc22 Minecraft Server.
Dak has been working on a "fish fry" event similar to the BBQ opening event we did last year... to be held at Sverd i Fjell, near the "wellwell" warp
A sign near the warp says "Stairs to the bridge are on the other side of the hill with the sunflower."
Could this be the place?
Tue 11 Jan 1400 to 1600 UTC Unofficial Fish Fry Rehearsal EVOMC22 Opening Kickoff Dinner for the real opening next Sunday
This raw video was recorded in Minecraft in Open Broadcaster Software and and uploaded as-is by "Teacher Vance" Stevens on Jan 11, 2022
As Dakotah Redstone conceived the event:
Do you like crispy deep fried haddock, with tartar sauce?
How about honey glazed carrots, or lava-baked tatoes? Who can ignore fresh baked rolls slathered in real dairy butter? (ok, maybe vegans... real margarine?) All are cordially invited to "unofficially" kick-off the mooc with a social-gathering [and Dak might make you work a "little" 😉 ] arranged around
A VIRTUAL FISHFRY IN-WORLD on Tuesday Jan. 11th 1400-1600 UTC. Here is the time wherever you are on the planet
If you spawn in and follow the path around the Haiku Forest there is a cyan wool portal... or you can "/warp wellwell" to near the event ( a short walk down a well marked path... see I told you Dak would make you work for everything...) There will be fish to catch and villagers to trade with and crops to tend and a whole menu of food to be prepared... bring your virtual chef's hat. (and your appetite) There is an notice and RSVP in the sesh-schedule channel (If Dak figured it out...) 😉
*[ note: all references to "real" food in the accompanying announcement pertain to "real" virtual foods, no offer of actual nourishment is implied nor should be inferred, actual weight gain "may" occur but is not the responsibility of the event sponsors , individual experience may vary, not a guarantee]
And Dak reflected in Discord after the close of the event
"with or without ice cream?"
It was very much a team effort, not just just me, as it occurred within a community, in a community built and supported environment, hosted on a (non-maintenance-free) server. I am (selfishly) choosing not to specifically list all those I can think of who share in that thanks, (because I know I would leave someone out.
Thank you for each and EVERY person who helped to make the FishFry possible, in the spirit of the day, I am carving off a huge square chunk of that thanx, serving it up on a plate with a fork, and asking "with or without ice cream?"
[and if by chance there are any who feel they didn't contribute in some way to this FishFry event, and are experiencing a certain kind of rumble-belly-longing... no one leaves any of my events hungry... I have another thanxcake to carve up and dish out, for the second offering of the 2022 FishFry coming up (next Sunday Jan 16,1500 UTC) I have already witnessed new contributions/additions/creations . This delicious bit of gratitude might go stale if we wait to give it out til Sunday... so I'll just serve it up now. Thanx to everyone who has/will contribute to the success of the second 2022 FishFry]
(that WAS good salmon! wasn't it.)
Sun 9 Jan 1400 UTC - EVO 2022 Kickoff Webcast
EVO 2022 Kickoff Webcast
Time: Sunday, Jan 9, 2022,14:00 (2 PM) UTC (9:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
I have added (tested) several of the "wool" portals in a couple of the villages along the path. I made a video of Dak riding a horse from the dock to the village with the wool portals.
Here is the route of Bill and Dak's Wild Ride, https://www.screencast.com/t/HAxNvW6wmHY from EVOMC22 spawn (green globe lower right) to cyan_portal (yellow warp point upper right)
Just as Dak wheels Bill around and heads for the safety of a village bed, he passes this signpost to the north
Go there and check it out :-)
Thu Dec 2 at 6 am UTC Server Party time for EVOMC22 planners
In attendance:
Teacher Vance and Bobbi Bear were in Minecraft and Discord
Olivetree Grove and Jane Chien joined us in Discord
Present were @heikephilp and @bobbi bear, and @Mirea Artican and @Olivetree and Teacher Vance
We looked for places to build an #evomc22conf dome. Heike preferred a place with more to do in the surroundings than in the taiga so we went to where Bobbi had found a waterpark, but she also found a ship in a field of icebergs and in the end I decided to build one there.
Next day I went to the icebergs, summoned the flow, or it summoned me, and it wouldn't let me go until I had built a dome at /warp conf22ship. Go have a look.
I picked a place with some bears around, and a ghost shipwreck with treasure inside
Here's a skyview perspective after putting in a door and a walkway to terra firma.
The interior at sunset
Tue Nov 23 VSTE Minecraft Mondays "HARDCORE-LIKE" Minecraft on Dak's Minecraft Realm
On Monday, November 22, 2121 at 8 PM Eastern time (1 am Tuesday morning GMT) VSTE engaged in a "modified hard core activity". Dakotah Redstone agreed to share his realm for the occasion. Due to only 10 being allowed on a realm, the event was by invitation only, and Teacher Vance was among the honored guests, and paid forward to the community by making the above recording.
The activity ended after an hour not because it was time, but because Teacher Vance committed a few rookie errors unworthy of hardcore players, even hardcore-like ones. First of all, I neglected to hold a weapon in my hand at all times even though I thought I was in a relatively safe area. Secondly, when I was set upon by a zombie and had to scroll the quick bar to get a sword in my hand, I scrolled one slot too far and ended up trying to fend off a zombie with a dirt clod. Live and learn (and guys, I promise not to let that happen again! Invite me back, please :-)))) I'll be good next time :-)
Thu Nov 11 Server Party Planning
This party was instigated by Mirea who had a holiday from work on that day. Mirea (Catrina), Heike, Bobbi, Vance, and Olivetree were there. A message to all invitees was sent out on Groups.io on Nov 10. https://minecraftmooc.groups.io/g/evomc-mods/message/9.
Vance had completed an overland roadworks from our 2021 spawn point to the new spawn area for 2022. We traversed a bit of the route, having to stop occasionally to retrieve death chests and such like.
We looked at a potential venue for the #EVOMC22conf, and I set a warp there /warp conf22
We confirmed we are ready to set a new spawn point, but didn’t get around to actually setting it. There is a warp to the spot /warp dock
We discussed how we might help with the http://missions4evomc.pbworks.com/ syllabus wiki, and Teacher Vance has since updated it to evomc22. It needs to be proofed though.
We did not record the session, but here are some of Teacher Vance's screenshots
This odd structure has appeared in the valley below the clifftop house near Moody Blue village
The trail leaving the taiga and heading east toward the 2021 spawn point. The trail eventually comes out at Sura's build at the old spawn point.
A pretty bird in the jungle outside Moody Blue village.
The house atop a hill at Moody Blue. This place is becoming built up. The coral and animals were new. Teacher Vance built a ladder to the top up the cliffside, and Olivetree Grove created a water elevator next to that.
Some of the fauna in the area that Bobbi Bear calls Moody Blue
A polar bear in one of the taiga villages
Laying trail outside a taiga village
Laying trail through the taiga
Curious curiosities. The one in the big hat is the leader.
Pillagers in the taiga
Sun Oct 3 - Party planners - Quest for prismarine with Mirea
We set up a meeting with Mirea Artican (Catrina in RL) for Sat Oct 2, her time in California. California is a hard time zone to accommodate for all of us, and Sat evening there is also around midnight UTC on Sun Oct 3 for those of us on the far side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Here is what this is about:
Mirea Artican — Ever gather prismarine from an ocean monument before?
Yesterday, Dak built a campsite near an area we feel we could find an ocean monument where we can collect more prismarine. I already have a conduit that just needs activating soon on our EVO server. I just feel like gathering prismarine the more adventurous way versus just using creative mode, which would be more fun since I also want to see and eventually kill some elder guardians myself. Heeheehee.
Think you &/or Bobbi and anyone else in our EVO team might want to eventually help me build us common &/or personalized spaces underwater near my home there?
After Dak helped me find an ocean explorer map through trading with a cartographer from a village yesterday, we decided we'd end our mini-adventure at the campsite he built so that we could invite more awesome companions like you to enjoy looking for the ocean monument with us soon.
Many sessions might be scheduled on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/evomc/ Check there under events to see what meetings are about to happen
So, in #evomc22, events might be announced here, or in Facebook, or on Discord, and / also / or on the Google calendar, depending on the preference of whomever is hosting the event. We will try to keep an updated list on all of these venues below.
Compiled listing of upcoming live events in 2022 when the time comes
Teacher Vance will attempt to consolidate events planned into this straightforward one-page chronological listing where you can see at a glance what is happening day by day in case you are following one of the above spaces but have missed what's happening in another.
Any event that leaves a record of what happened there will also be archived on this page.
You can see archives of all such events in the sidebar at right from past EVO Minecraft MOOC sessions from 2015 through 2020 ==>
Add your event to the schedule
EVOMC21 moderators can create events here directly on this page. Participants can create events here by requesting to join this wiki.
Copy any event to your calendar and view it there to get its time where YOU are
Dakotah Redstone, one of evomc21's most esteemed gurus, is prone to deciding on the spur of the moment to hang out on our server.
Look for his events and assume they are either going on when you see them or have happened already.
You can see if they are going on in the moment by checking the dynamic map at http://mc.evomc.net:8123/ and seeing if he is there. You could go on and join him. He is very helpful and might have interesting things to show you.
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