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Page history last edited by Jane Chien 1 year, 8 months ago


How to join us in EVO Minecraft in 2023






Be aware of the Mojang to Microsoft Migration


If you see this screen when logging onto Minecraft, you'll need to make yourself aware of how to handle it.



More information (the link from as you might have heard, in the graphic above)


and the link from Check out the FAQ for more information



Purchase your login to Minecraft JAVA EDITION


Purchase your login to Minecraft JAVA EDITION from Mojang http://minecraft.net 

Be sure and get the JAVA version of the software.

With your login credentials, all logins plus software downloads including server software and client software for multiple devices are free; you pay around $30 (one time only) for your unique login credential (software is free)


Register with EVO Minecraft MOOC by filling in the Google form


Register with EVO Minecraft MOOC by filling in the Google form for 2023 here 

You can follow these instructions to enable your returning to form and updating it.

Here you need to tell us your Minecraft user name so we can whitelist you on our server
At the bottom of the form, have Google send you a copy of you. response.

This will have Google send you an email, and in that email there is a button where you can easily EDIT your response in case you want to add details later, such as a Minecraft user name or a Discord ID number.

  1. Once we've whitelisted you, you can create a profile in Minecraft for our current build 
    and drop by our EVOMC21 server at this IP address mc.evomc.net
    For detailed instructions, see 2023_server_info
  2. Once you're in Minecraft we can text chat (press t in Minecraft to activate the text chat feature)
  3. If you want to speak to us in voice, activate Discord by following the instructions here: 2023_Discord



Join our Facebook Group and Groups.io email list


If you have further questions

You can join these spaces and leave us notes here



Join in our live events in Discord and Minecraft


Check our 2022 Live events schedules to see when we are meeting live. We have two places you should check:





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